I have been on a journey of faith. For a while, I was a woman without a church because the church I was attending started teaching things that were not in line with the Bible. When a pastor says “If God exists…” we have a problem.
I have been doing a lot of research and reading. And then a trusted friend recommended that I watch a two-part documentary titled, American Gospel. The first part if Christ Alone, and the second is Christ Crucified.
As I was watching the documentary, what I was most amazed at was how many “Christian” scholars are trying— and have been trying for decades— to redefine the Gospel. I am not a theologian, just a simple woman. But I am also of the belief that the Bible was meant for the common man to read and understand. These scholars are twisting the Bible’s words to fit their world views, by redefining foundational tenets of Christianity in a way that aligns with schools of thought like Buddhism, New Age and other post-modernist movements. And in the process, what they come up with anything BUT Christianity. The belief by these men and women is that anything outside their way of thinking is “outdated.” It was scary to watch. One of the points that stuck with me was the arguments that the Gospel isn’t about Jesus because He himself talks about the Gospel in the Old Testament, therefore— He cannot be talking about His death on the cross. At that point I thought I was being punked because it makes no sense when you understand the Trinity.
But I love how beautifully one of the traditional pastors interviewed put it:
“Jesus IS the Gospel. In the Old Testament He is predicted; in the Gospels He is revealed; in Acts He is preached; in the Epistles He is explained; and in the Book of Revelation He’s expected.”
Again, I am a simple person who wants to understand the simplicity of God’s love for us. I do not need a theologian who does not agree with the Words in the Bible, to bring confusion and chaos into my simple woman faith. I choose to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and His love for us. His sacrifice for us. I do not take that lightly. But these past few months I have been on a rediscovery journey and I have been heartbroken at so many professed Christian leaders who are teaching something that doctrinally is not Christianity. So I continue to pray for discernment and clarity about my life, but above all against the false teaching of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Have a blesses week, friends.
I may link to some of these linkups—
Mondays Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul
Tuesdays Insta Encouragements, Tell His Story, Anchored Truth Tuesdays
Wednesdays Worth Beyond Rubies, Welcome Heart, Wonderful Wednesday Soaring with Him
Thursdays Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired
Fridays Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday
Saturday Amanda’s Books & More, Pink Saturday