I am writing this post in sort of a surreal fog because, as I type, I am watching The Weather Channel’s coverage of Hurricane Ian barreling straight towards the Charleston area. And it is surreal to think of flooded streets, down trees, and torrential rain, when I was just there four days ago. Just surreal. So, as I type, I am praying that the danger to the city and surrounding areas is minimal. **Note: This post was written on Friday, as the hurricane was heading there. Since then we know that thankfully the damage was minimal for the historical part of Charleston, although I know where my best friend’s daughter lives- in Georgetown, there was flooding and other damage.
And instead I am going to focus on the amazing weekend I had with my best friend, Sherri, of Sherri’s Jubilee. We met thanks to blogging back in 2007 thanks to a tea blog swap. And we became great friends. This trip was also about 6 years overdue. We love Charleston, and the last time we came was in 2016. But life then COVID got in the way, so this year we made it happen.
I have always loved Charleston. It’s architecture, gardens, history and Southern charm is something that appeals to me. The people I have met have also been lovely. So I was really looking forward to experiencing it all once again. Our girls’ trip was for four days. During our stay we saw, we laughed, we ate and we shopped. But above all, it was great to see my dear friend. By the way, even though we had not seen each other face-to-face, we talk on the phone and text every single day. :)
The Mills House Hotel
View from our floor at The Mills House
We stayed at The Mills House (the pink building in the photo above), as we had before. The Mills House by the way, is going through a renovation, which the hotel failed to mentioned, and I can go into a rant on why we were let down by the hotel this time. So instead, I am going to focus on what we love.
Normally we do not take tours, we this time we decided to, which gave us a glimpse of parts of Charleston we had never seen before. Then there we other iconic areas that are very well known, yet I had not visited them in previous visits, like the Pineapple Fountain (see photo below).
Known as the Holy City, Charleston is famous for the plethora of churches at almost every corners. From anywhere in the city you can see church steeples. The history major in me is right at home in this city, and love learning everything I can about the historical sites.
House on Battery Park
Around town in the tour. I love this color and the home in the Charleston style.
Circular Congregational Church. The architecture of the church is stunning, and the graveyard seemed to be very popular with tourists.
The Pineapple Fountain at the Charleston Waterfront Park. The pineapple symbolizes hospitality. The fountain faces the Charleston Harbor and the Ravenel Bridge. Interesting fact: kids and pets are allow to splash in the fountain, unlike other fountains I have seen in other towns.
St. Philip’s Church is a stunning historical church built in 1836 (spire completed in 1850). You can see the spire from almost anywhere in historical Charleston. This church is also the oldest European-American religious congregation in South Carolina.
Rainbow Road
There are many beautiful areas in Charleston, but one of my favorites is Rainbow Row and Battery Park. Rainbow Row is the row of pastel-colored historic homes located on East Bay Street, just along the Battery. To me, this is quintessential Charleston. When Rainbow Row was built around 1740, these houses were used by merchants. They would have their business on the ground floor and live on the floors above. Today, you have businesses there that operate like this still. The area has an interesting history and you can learn more HERE.
As you walk further down, you will end up in Battery Park, a fortified seawall and promenade. The wall was built along the shore of the Charleston peninsula, bordered by the Ashley and Cooper Rivers which come together to form the Charleston Harbor (1). You will find magnificent antebellum homes along the battery, and if you love homes, you will love this area. Another beautiful spot White Point Garden, some interesting facts about this park (see photo below):
Dozens of pirates were hung here and left dangling from their nooses to deter other pirates from entering Charleston Harbor.
The first settlers originally called the area Oyster Point due to the sun bleached oyster shells on the ground.
While the park boasts many monuments, a gazebo, and cannons dating back to the Civil and Revolutionary Wars, the most impressive aspect of the park are the huge oak trees draped in Spanish moss. Find a bench or bring your own blanket, and relaxed while the breezes from the harbor lull you into pure relaxation on a hot day.
There is much I love about Charleston, and my favorite activity to do is walk around the neighborhood by Battery Park to see the beautiful homes and gardens. I always wonder if its odd for the residents of those homes to have people, like me, gawking at their properties all the time. :) Below, I share some of these beautiful homes, some which have been turned into inns.
And this is my short tour of Charleston. I have a couple of more upcoming posts to share specifically about Charleston’s take on curb appeal, the food of Charleston and more. Stay tuned! Have a great week friends!
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