Is there anything more rewarding than a blooming garden? It may be a different season, but my garden is still blooming. While the Davis Austin roses have started going into dormancy, you can say that fall kicked things into high gear, especially because I grow mostly dahlias. And dahlias love the fall season. While some of my dahlias grew earlier in the season, others are now just exploding with blooms, and one of these late bloomers is ‘Penhill Watermelon’. And with her we start the rollcall of what is blooming in my little garden:
No. 1 Dahlias, dahlias, everywhere dahlias
I saw photos of this variety last year and knew I had to grow it. It is considered an ‘informal decorative dinnerplate dahlia, and it has the most beautiful fluffy petals. The colors are a combination of peach and lavender, giving it a beautiful color. Interestingly, these got off to a rough start because of corn rootworm beetles, but it looks like what I did with the blooms worked beautifully! You can read more about my fail proof tip for dealing with this pesky beetle when you want pristine blooms.
And here is the result. I am in love!
Of course, the first blooms are for me; I deserve them after the battle against the beetles. And for this little arrangement I used a wooden vase from an arrangement my husband gave me last year. And it worked beautifully with these dinnerplates, because it supports their tops in place.
Seriously, these petals are ridiculously beautiful…
I also added a Breakout dahlia to the little arrangement. This dahlia was seriously attacked by the beetles, but did the same as with Penhill Watermelon and now I have more pristine blooms.
Other dahlias blooming— Hollyhill Black Beauty, Breakout, Intrigue, and Chilson’s Pride and Kogana Fubuki.
Dahlias bring me so much happiness, but really every plant I grow does. And there is more blooming happening.
No. 2 Mums. I bought a multi-color mum that I cannot wait to be in full bloom. I purposely bought it with most of the buds closed for extended enjoyment.
No.3 Black-Eyed Susan. The Black-Eyed Susan is still going and providing plenty of color. Right next to it is the purple aster which is now finally blooming. And as you can see, the beetles are also in this bush although they do not seem to be doing much damage as with the tender dahlia.
No.4 Purple Aster
Then this year, I have pansies and violas for the first time and I think these darling flowers will be back in my garden. Ever since last year with ‘Hollyhill Black Beauty’, which is currently blooming, I am draw to darker color flowers and ‘Black Magic’ pansy and ‘Velour Frosted Chocolate’ viola are stealing my heart right now.
No. 5 Black Magic pansy
No. 6 Velour Frosted Chocolate viola
And that my friends, is my little garden in a nutshell… and I am loving every single petal in it. Thank you for visiting!
I may be found on one of these link-ups: August Garden Party, In a Vase on Monday, Mosaic Monday, Garden Blogger's Bloom Day (15th of the Month), Home Sweet Home, Floral Bliss, Home and Garden Thursday, End of Month View(31st of the Month), Harvest Monday, Blooming Friday, #MyGloriousGardens, Gardens Galore, Six on Saturday, Pink Saturday, Sundays At Home, Thursday Favorite Things, Share Your Cup, Heart & Soul Link Party