Frost. That is the way to describe the first run of 2021. We have had a freezing fog for three days and everything is covered in hoarfrost. It looks like this morning we are going into a 4th day. And while it is cold and actually feels humid (hence the hoarfrost), it is so beautiful. Everything looks like a winter wonderland. In case you are not familiar with it, deposit of ice crystals on objects exposed to the free air, such as grass blades, tree branches, or leaves. It is formed by direct condensation of water vapor to ice at temperatures below freezing and occurs when air is brought to its frost point by cooling (reference).
My first run in 2021 was around Lake Winona, where as it tradition, many congregate for the annual ritual of ice fishing. these photos were on Friday, but on Saturday, when I drove by, the number of ice fishing houses had tripled. But it makes for a good distraction while running. To be honest, I intended to do walk half the lake since it was active recovery day, but you know those days when the body is just motivated? I had one of those. And I ended up doing a nice 4-mile run around that portion of the lake. When I got to my car, I could not feel my face (also the weirdest Botox effect because of the cold wind), since it was about 18F, but I had a good time celebrating the first day of 2021 by being outdoors!
If i look like I’m wearing a little makeup is because I do. I went grocery shopping before I went running. :)
After the run, I got home and got all comfy and cozy with my new knitted chunky blanket I got for Christmas, a cup of tea and a book— best way to warm up, if you asked me. While reading I started thinking about various posts I read about my word for 2021. I very rarely do that because I do not keep a vision board or such, BUT 2020 was just so next level extra, that why not? And the more I thought about it, the more one word kept coming to me:
I do not think that 2021 will be as bad as 2020— that is not me trying to jinx the year ahead; just my opinion. But I do not think things will change overnight. And if there is something that kept me going in 2020 and that I wish to continue in 2021 it ,is RESILIENCY. I want to focus on my personal ability to recover quickly from difficulties, to develop my capacity for mental toughness. To be able to walk my stepkids through the difficulties of a year that has the potential to be like 2020 for them, especially with school and sports. To be productive and find new ways for self-care when having everyone at home 24/7 can be trying. This is why RESILIENCE is my 2021 word.
How about you? Did you get outside on New Year’s Day or did you stay cozy inside (which I did after my outing)?
Do you have a word for 2021?
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