In the still darkness of my house I sit. The crackling fire providing much needed warmth on this very cold Minnesota winter morning. Hore fog clings to everything outside, covering every surface in ice. It is a winter wonderland. From my window, I watch the world—quiet… sleepy. This is my favorite time of the day. In the house, nobody is awake yet, but me. The world is quiet and the darkness comforting; not in a creepy way but as a harbinger of a new day. Darkness in winter seems to fitting— I think of Jesus, as he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” I close my eyes and let the stillness wrap me like a swaddling cloth. “Jesus is coming…” I say and smile as I light the advent candles.
I feel safe and in the moment. Sitting by the fire, I take time to read the Holy Spirit inspired words on my Bible. The stillness provides a shield against the world in this winter morning, allowing me to soak in the prophetic words I am reading. And suddenly my eyes start welling with tears. Jesus is coming…
These words fill me with emotion because, if there was ever a gesture that showed God’s infinite love for us, is that He sent his only Son, as a sacrificial lamb. And my mind always goes to one moment of the Nativity—the seconds immediately following the moment Mary held the baby Jesus in her arms.
In the stillness…
In the stillness of that manger, what did Mary feel? I think her heart must have been full of joyful brokenness because while her heart was full of love for this baby, she also knew that He was the spotless lamb who came into this world with the sole purpose of delivering us and making us new.
The magnitude of this moment always fills me with emotion and awe of His love. But also fill me with awe for the young mother and her husband Joseph. Can you imagine the emotions running through them?
Thank You, Father for loving us that much. Thank you for having hope that we will see the light and welcome you into our hearts; so much to be thankful for. In the stillness, I close my eyes. I let it sink in. I cherish it. Soon everyone will awake and a new day will start. But for now, this moment is mine to simply be still and know that He is God, and He loves me.
Joining Five Minute Friday. #FMFParty is a weekly link-up where you get a prompt and write away but you only have five minutes. :)