Hey friends! I am back to blogging! Has some technical difficulties, but I am finally able to get in! Hope Spring arrived with lots of good stuff in your area. Here in Minnesota it still feels like a mild winter with a few days here and there when it is warm. But while I wait to get into my garden, lots has been happening in preparation for the testing year of Abeille Flower Co. And today I am sharing some of the behind the scenes.
While Minnesota is still very cold for direct sowing outdoors, the seed starting has started. I ordered many seeds from Floret that I am excited to grow. The majority are either flowers I have never grown from seed (poppies, calendula, cosmos, etc.), and fillers (for bouquets and such) that are just gorgeous (Chocolate Lace Flower, Feverfew, Celosia, etc.). I also took a deep dive in planting corms. I ordered two varieties of ranunculus from The Flower Hat, and two weeks later, these babies have already sprouted!
Can you say ‘Happy Place”? Yes it is!
I wanted to start more seeds but honestly, I was running out of space. While we have a crop farm, we live in town and I don’t have the space to seed start all of my seeds. That is when I took a leap of faith. And boy did it pay off!
We have a community center in town (about 3 mins from my house) that installed an industrial greenhouse last year but it’s not being used (see below). It is huge! I know the owner and went on a limb. The greenhouse has grow lights installed and a climate control system that is running all the time without being used. I asked if I could rent part of it, and to my surprise he said I could use it for free! What?!?!
You better believe I took him up on his offer. Although I I honestly couldn’t do it for free. So in exchange I proposed some Junior master gardener events and maybe organizing a garden club for adults, since this was the purpose the greenhouse was installed for. I’m like in cloud 9 right now and blown away by the generosity of people. Above all, I am excited about the opportunity to, through this act of generosity, to be able to give back to the community. Sometimes I just have to sit back in awe and say
“Look at you go, Lord!"
and then thank Him for the blessings he continues to pour into my life. Have a blessed week, friends!
And because I love sharing! Here are other amazing link-ups I enjoy!
Mondays— Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul, In a Vase on Monday, Mosaic Monday, All About Home Link Party
Tuesdays— Nature Notes, Tuesday Turn About
Wednesdays— Wonderful Wednesday, Soaring with Him, Wonderful Wednesday Blog-Hop
Thursdays— Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired, Full Plate Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Runfessions
Friday— Floral Friday, Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday, Floral Friday Fotos, Community - Five Minute Friday, Fabulous Friday Link Party, Encouraging Hearts & Home
Saturday & Sunday— Pink Saturday, Saturdays Sparks Link Party, Garden Affair, Six on Saturday
Monthly— Garden Bloggers Bloom Day