That Wildflower Feeling
Happy Monday! Wow, what a scorcher if a week it was, was it not? At least here in the Midwest is. And from the news, it seems the UK and other parts of Europe are also experiencing an insane heatwave. And this really makes it hard for gardening. I find that any flower I pick, I immediately have to bring in and put in water or it will start wilting.
My big showers have not bloomed yet-- the dahlias and the roses (except for a few blooms). And it is expected as we are about a month behind from the rest of the country due to the eternal winter we had. We are crop farmers and our corn is behind two weeks also. It is across the board. But back to the flowers and this week's vase.
Two years ago, my husband went a bit crazy with wildflower mixes in the ravines by the house and you never know what is going to pop there. But it at least covers those area. We also have a few types of daylilies growing in various beds. And because it is so hot, I wanted a small arrangement with bright colors.
I used an enamel cup (about 9 inches tall) as a vase, because I wanted a country feel. For the arrangement I used
- Naomi Ruth daylilies
- Butter Pixie lily
- Queen Anne's Lace (not to be confused with poisonous Hemlock)
- Bee's Friend
*** PS by the way, watch out for wild parsnip--- it is not golden alexander, as I found out. Oy...
In al, I love how summery this little vase is. Just what I need to brighten up my home office.
Sharing with: In a Vase on Monday, Garden Blogger's Bloom Day (15th of the Month), Simple Saturdays, The Homemaking Party, Home Sweet Home, Gardens Galore, Floral Bliss, Home and Garden Thursday, End of Month View (31st of the Month), Harvest Monday, Blooming Friday, #MyGloriousGardens, Six on Saturday, Pink Saturday, Dishing It & Digging It, Strawberry Fields, Home Sweet Home