In The Mail This Week ~ All About Blooms
What is better than flowers in the mail? Mail about flowers and gardening! This week has been ridiculously busy at work. And the only thing I am looking for to is the weekend… to do nothing but catch up on my reading. I have a few magazines and books that came in this week, and so excited about sitting with a cup of tea, play some lovely classical music and read away, savoring each page. So, what are some of the garden-theme things I got in the mail?
In Her Garden Magazine

The spin-off of Stampington’s In Her Studio Magazine made its debut, and you guys— it is gorgeous! This special publication is all about inspiring outdoor spaces by women who love gardening. There is a little bit of everything— stunning scenery and images, DIY projects, and more. And even if you are not a gardener, if you have an eye for beauty, you will appreciate this first issue of the magazine. I there are more in the future.

The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson is the stories of two indigenous women in two different timeline, who truly survive unimaginable situations and circumstances, thanks to the powerful gift of seeds, which serve as a metaphor of their journey. I am looking forward to reading them because I have read that it is a well researched book that also touches about the trauma of Native American women, the struggles of farming, and the fight for the survival of heirloom seeds. I will write a review once I read it.
Last but not least, the David Austin 2022 Rose Catalog arrived! Y’all— if there is something I like more than a dahlia, is a rose. So much that I keep growing my collection and planting them in pots because they would not survive the winter here in MN. The DA catalogs are so beautiful that I collect them. This one I particularly like because it breaks the roses by “Best for Pots",’ “Best Climber,” etc. Looking forward to leisurely going through the pages and possibly picking another one this year. :)
And that’s it, friends! Anything interesting in the mail this week???
And because I love sharing! Here are other amazing link-ups I enjoy!
Mondays— Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul, In a Vase on Monday, Mosaic Monday, All About Home Link Party
Tuesdays— Nature Notes, Tuesday Turn About
Wednesdays— Wonderful Wednesday, Soaring with Him, Wonderful Wednesday Blog-Hop
Thursdays— Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired, Full Plate Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Runfessions
Friday— Floral Friday, Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday, Floral Friday Fotos, Community - Five Minute Friday, Fabulous Friday Link Party, Encouraging Hearts & Home
Saturday & Sunday— Pink Saturday, Saturdays Sparks Link Party, Garden Affair, Six on Saturday
Monthly— Garden Bloggers Bloom Day